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Statistics show that each year about 8,000 Australians file a

Our client was a male in his 50's from a large family. He completed his School Certificate and worked as a shearer for over 30 years.

Our client was a fit man in his sixties.  Throughout the years, he worked as a carpenter, mechanic, had his own repair business and did some landscaping.

While some instances of bullying, like physical violence, are apparent, others aren’t.

Our client was employed as a concreter for many years.  He was in his early 30s and in a relationship, had two young children and enjoyed fishing, going to the gym and was in

Our client was a healthy man in his mid-40s who attended the gym 5 to 6 days a week and enjoyed exercising on the beach regularly.  He had always performed heavy physical wor

Our client tragically lost his wife in a motor vehicle accident.

At the time of the accident our client was working as a timber cutter.  He would cut the timber from fallen trees into usable pieces for slabs, a process known as bucki

If you’ve been involved in any type of accident and have suffered injuries that prohibit you from resuming your normal work activities, you may have the ability to claim compensat

A total and permanent disability can have a severe impact on your life, which is why it is important to maximise your chances of success with your claim and receiv

A slip and fall on public or private property can seriously affect the quality of your life.

Evaluating permanent impairment in compensation claims requires a thorough clinical assessment that includes taking into account the injured party’s medical history, and all other